
+49 7248 927489

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About Steve


Stephanie is known to most people as Steve.

Before becoming a physiotherapist, Steve danced professionally and then became a ballet teacher with a special interest in dance technique.  It was her desire to learn more about anatomy that shaped her decision to become a physiotherapist.  During her training she discovered Spiraldynamik® and has never looked back.

Steve has been working with the body for fifty years.  She knows out of her own experience how valuable Spiraldynamik® is and wants to pass on to others the benefits she has experienced.

“If I had only known then what I know now, I think my dance career would have been less plagued by injuries.  Furthermore, without Spiraldynamik® today, I would be a lot less mobile. “

“The correct spiral direction can make the difference between tension and pain on the one side and freedom and fluidity on the other.  Spiraldynamik® is both therapy and prevention.  It nudges you out of your normality and enables you to both understand the origin of the pain and then reduce it.  It does this by improving the quality of your movement which can help to avoid the problems before they start.”


Training in Spiraldynamik®

2006-2017    Regular attendance at the annual Congress with participation in                        

                      variously themed workshops.

2016-2017    Preparation for teaching.

2015             Yoga and Spiraldynamik®

2013              Spiraldynamik® Event on Fascia

2007-2010    Spiraldynamik® Level Advanced

2006             Spiraldynamik® Level Intermediate

2005             Spiraldynamik® Level Basic



Other training

2014             Workshop on Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

2007             Introduction to Craniosacral Therapy

2006             Introduction to Osteopathy (Parietal)

2001-2017    Numerous Yoga Workshops


Curriculum Vitae

2007-             Self-employed physiotherapist with own practice

2004-2007     Employment in a practice for physiotherapy

2001-2004     Training to be a physiotherapist

1982-2001     Ballet and jazz teacher in various schools.  Choreography both

                         professional and amateur. 

1977-1981      BA in Law and Sociology, University of Warwick

1975               Dancer in Movement Unlimited

1974-1975      Member of Ballet Company, Essen,


1971-1975     Professional training in ballet at Arts Educational Schools,









Spiraldynamik® Med Praxis
Stephanie Jones-Ertmann

Wirkstatt für Haltung und Bewegung

Im Neufeld 13
D-76359 Marxzell

Tel. 0049 (0)7248 927489

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"Foot loose and pain free for life"

Translation from "Gut zu Fuß ein Leben lang"

Translation from "Körperhaltungen analysieren und verbessern"

Autor: Dr. med Christian Larsen



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